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Newsletter Nov 2023


Updated: Jan 21, 2024

Thank you for attending the Joy and Hope of Haiti fundraising dinner on Nov 30 2023, at the Ancaster Mill. The evening was very blessed, thanks to the generosity of our donors we exceeded our fund raising expectations

These funds have enabled us to continue to deliver Transformational Christian Education in Haiti. On behalf of the Board of Directors we would like to share the wonderful initiatives that have been implemented this year.

Core Program: All 10 sponsored schools have been able to continue in 2023

New School #11 Ecole St. Michel. We are proud to add this school to our roster. It is in the Cap Haitien urban area and has 433 students.

Increased Teacher Salaries: All teachers are receiving increased funding. They receive a paycheck in the summer. In a country that has inflation running at 35% overall our ability to increase assistance to the teachers has been a lifeline during a terrible storm.

Cooking fuel and class room supplies: We have allocated extra funds to cover these costs. A small but vital change. Charcoal is expensive, and necessary to cook our dried soup mix.

CRECHE Christian Curriculum Pilot Project. CRECHE is a comprehensive Christian based curriculum developed in Haiti This project has been rolled out to 2 schools for grades 1,2 and 3. Each child receives their own workbook for six core subjects with a transformational Christian base. The Board plans to add a grade each year and expand the program to all schools. Our Haitian partners are truly excited about this project. Our goal is to transform lives. In a country marked by Voodoo, Christian education is truly the best pathway for them.

P4H Global Teacher Training. 2022 UN Award for Best Teacher Training world wide. P4H Global is a training program made in Haiti f or Haitians. The Board recognizes that a well trained and confident teacher is critical for the classrooms to be transformational learning environments. In August, approximately 120 of our teachers will attend a P4H Global conference for three days, funded by Joy and Hope. Our teachers feel valued and supported by this initiative.

Joy and Hope of Haiti – 33 years of Ministry.

Our Board of Directors prays and trusts that we are doing the right things in Haiti, maintaining control while respecting the unique challenges faced by Haitians. With the addition of our new school, there are now 4,950 students directly benefiting from your support. That means that despite the turmoil and disruption in Haiti, there are almost 5,000 children able to attend school and receive a Christian education. Our goal is to increase the number of students impacted to 7,500 by the year 2024.

Rejoice with us Pray with us. May God richly bless you You are a difference maker.

With much gratitude from the Joy and Hope of Haiti Executive Board

Peter Boushy, Chairman of the Board of Directors Cal
Schultz, Executive Director


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